New Australian Pure Breed Parthenaise Heifers have arrived from sexed French embryo’s.
Our first born pure bred Parthenaise Bull Pierre delivers an excellent strike rate.
Pierre the first Australian born pure bred Parthenaise bull is proving to be a highly fertile. From his first cover a healthy number of calves have arrived. AI Straws are now available from Pierre.
30 Day Weigh In
30 Day Weigh In for our recently born Parthenaise calves at Jeremiah Downs, average weight, 63.30 Kgs, 4 Bulls & 2 Heifers. The young calves grow quickly after birth and they’re definitely enjoying the grass at Jeremiah Downs.
120 Day Weigh In
120 Day Weigh In, young bulls & heifers at Jeremiah Downs, average weight, 218.50 Kgs, 2 Bulls & 5 Heifers. Excellent feeding traits with the Parthenaise Cattle developing nicely, lots of bulk building on their frames.